[GRASS-PSC] GRASS-addons svn write access request

Damiano G. Preatoni prea at uninsubria.it
Wed Dec 23 02:56:11 EST 2009

In un messaggio del Wednesday 23 December 2009, Hamish ha scritto:
> Damiano wrote:
> >   I would like to have write-right access to the
> > GRASS-addons svn repository.
> >   I have read the GRASS RFC2 and I accept it.
> sure thing.
> what's your osgeo id?
> what does your new module do?

The v.transect.KIA module calculates kilometric abundance indexes (KIA), a 
common indirect presence index used in wildlife monitoring.
Basically user needs to supply a point vector (object locations) and a line 
vector (survey transects paths) to have an abundance index calculated as an 
attribute in paths attributes table.
Optionally, path lengths can be corrected by draping on a DEM, different type 
of point objects can be weighted according to their relative importance, and 
paths can be segmented using a further polygon vector (to calculate, say, 
abundances per elevation range or per habitat class).
The module is written in bash and needs a GRASS install compiled with sqlite 

My osgeo ID is prea.

A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere.
		-- Groucho Marx
Damiano G. Preatoni, PhD

Unità di Analisi e Gestione delle Risorse Ambientali
Dipartimento Ambiente-Salute-Sicurezza
Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Via J.H. Dunant, 3 - 21100 Varese (ITALY)

tel +39 0332421538 fax +39 0332421446
ICQ: 78690321 jabber: prea at jabber.org skype: prea.net
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