[GRASS-PSC] 2020 Election wiki - request for comments on details

Chief Return Officer (CRO) - GRASS GIS election 2020 variablestarlight at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 01:43:40 PST 2020

> To avoid confusion with ASCII emails, here the clean version:
> - Number of PSC members to be elected: 9
> - Election duration: 2020-12-21 - 2021-01-28
>     - Nomination period: 2020-12-21 - 2021-01-11
>     - Reflection week: 2021-01-11 - 2021-01-18
>     - Voting period: 2021-01-18 - 2021-01-25
>     - Latest possible announcement of new PSC: 2021-02-01
>> Are these dates reasonable?
> To me it sounds reasonable.

Fine! Then I write them in the wiki and we aim to launch on monday 21/12.

>> Eligible voters:
>> - have already posted a pull request to github **(possibly only those PR that have been merged)**
> I understood that in addition we want the translators.
> - have contributed to Transifex
Yes, my question was about the part within parentheses
>> Note the second criterion, what about PR:s being merged or not?
>> Opinions on this?
> "PR still open" would be fine for me because it shows interest, an
> active contribution and maybe tackles complicated stuff which cannot
> be merged quickly.
Then, we can say that submitting a PR gives a person the right to vote, 
independently of the PR having been accepted or not.

>  From the current wiki drat: Election tool?
>       During the Voting period, eligible voters, can vote their preferred
>       candidate(s) via an on-line tool which will protect privacy.
> Which tool? How does this work?
> O see that https://vote.heliosvoting.org/ was used in 2016. Is this being used in 2020 too? How?
> Nikos knows about heliosvoting.
> But as Moritz suggests, perhaps we may use
> https://limesurvey.osgeo.org - I can try to find out.

We will wait for the answer on this then. In a sense, we could just 
start on monday 21/12 and hope for a clear solution regarding the voting 
system later during the process. But perhaps this is too risky. I would 
prefer to have a definition on which system is to be used and how to use 
it before launching the election.


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