SOCCER LAB GRASS QA: 2 clones ( strings.c ) 0 monsters and 1 warnings

cvs at cvs at
Tue Apr 4 09:09:36 EDT 2006

Hello radim,

here a report on your recent GRASS-CVS change:

Threshold GRASS6 key metrics values at 2006-04-04 are:
                    median | upper     | outlier |
                           | quartile  | limit   |
Complexity (Cyclo):      5 |        25 |      36 |
ParamNBR:                2 |         6 |       8 |
CalledNBR:               9 |        55 |      78 |
LOC:                    40 |       182 |     254 |

Measures (see below Web page for details):
 Complexity (Cyclo): a complexity index
 ParamNBR: number of passed parameters
 CalledNBR: number of called functions
 LOC: Lines Of Code

Message interpretation:
 OK : Nothing to say at all
 *  : above 75 % of value warning
 ** : this is getting close to be out of range, consider revising the code
 ***: this is a monster, definitely you should revise this function


your changes to files/functions:

./grass6/lib/gis/strings.c functions

G_strend (Begins at: 72 Ends at: 77)
Complexity:   |       2 |       |      OK |
ParamNBR:     |       1 |       |      OK |
CalledNBR:    |       0 |       |      OK |
LOC:          |       6 |       |      OK |
metrics are OK

G_strcpy (Begins at: 79 Ends at: 86)
Complexity:   |       2 |       |      OK |
ParamNBR:     |       2 |       |      OK |
CalledNBR:    |       0 |       |      OK |
LOC:          |       8 |       |      OK |
metrics are OK

G_chrcpy (Begins at: 88 Ends at: 96)
Complexity:   |       2 |       |      OK |
ParamNBR:     |       3 |       |      OK |
CalledNBR:    |       0 |       |      OK |
LOC:          |       9 |       |      OK |
metrics are OK

G_strncpy (Begins at: 98 Ends at: 106)
Complexity:   |       2 |       |      OK |
ParamNBR:     |       3 |       |      OK |
CalledNBR:    |       0 |       |      OK |
LOC:          |       9 |       |      OK |
metrics are OK

G_strmov (Begins at: 108 Ends at: 115)
Complexity:   |       2 |       |      OK |
ParamNBR:     |       2 |       |      OK |
CalledNBR:    |       0 |       |      OK |
LOC:          |       8 |       |      OK |
metrics are OK

G_chrmov (Begins at: 117 Ends at: 124)
Complexity:   |       2 |       |      OK |
ParamNBR:     |       3 |       |      OK |
CalledNBR:    |       0 |       |      OK |
LOC:          |       8 |       |      OK |
metrics are OK

G_strcat (Begins at: 126 Ends at: 130)
Complexity:   |       1 |       |      OK |
ParamNBR:     |       2 |       |      OK |
CalledNBR:    |       2 |       |      OK |
LOC:          |       5 |       |      OK |
metrics are OK

G_chrcat (Begins at: 132 Ends at: 136)
Complexity:   |       1 |       |      OK |
ParamNBR:     |       3 |       |      OK |
CalledNBR:    |       2 |       |      OK |
LOC:          |       5 |       |      OK |
metrics are OK

G_strcasecmp (Begins at: 138 Ends at: 160)
Complexity:   |      10 |       |      OK |
ParamNBR:     |       2 |       |      OK |
CalledNBR:    |       0 |       |      OK |
LOC:          |      23 |       |      OK |
metrics are OK

G_strstr (Begins at: 163 Ends at: 185)
Complexity:   |       4 |       |      OK |
ParamNBR:     |       2 |       |      OK |
CalledNBR:    |       2 |       |      OK |
LOC:          |      23 |       |      OK |
metrics are OK

G_strdup (Begins at: 188 Ends at: 199)
Complexity:   |       2 |       |      OK |
ParamNBR:     |       1 |       |      OK |
CalledNBR:    |       3 |       |      OK |
LOC:          |      12 |       |      OK |
metrics are OK

G_strchg (Begins at: 202 Ends at: 227)
Complexity:   |       3 |       |      OK |
ParamNBR:     |       3 |       |      OK |
CalledNBR:    |       0 |       |      OK |
LOC:          |      26 |       |      OK |
metrics are OK

G_str_replace (Begins at: 229 Ends at: 300)
Complexity:   |      11 |       |      OK |
ParamNBR:     |       3 |       |      OK |
CalledNBR:    |      14 |       |      OK |
LOC:          |      72 |       |      OK |
metrics are OK

G_strip (Begins at: 302 Ends at: 347)
Complexity:   |       4 |       |      OK |
ParamNBR:     |       1 |       |      OK |
CalledNBR:    |       0 |       |      OK |
LOC:          |      46 |       |      OK |
metrics are OK

G_chop (Begins at: 349 Ends at: 374)
Complexity:   |       5 |       |      OK |
ParamNBR:     |       1 |       |      OK |
CalledNBR:    |       2 |       |      OK |
LOC:          |      26 |       |      OK |
metrics are OK

G_str_to_upper (Begins at: 381 Ends at: 392)
Complexity:   |       3 |       |      OK |
ParamNBR:     |       1 |       |      OK |
CalledNBR:    |       1 |       |      OK |
LOC:          |      12 |       |      OK |
metrics are OK

G_str_to_lower (Begins at: 400 Ends at: 411)
Complexity:   |       3 |       |      OK |
ParamNBR:     |       1 |       |      OK |
CalledNBR:    |       1 |       |      OK |
LOC:          |      12 |       |      OK |
metrics are OK

Clone analysis:

This file has 2 potentially cloned functions:
  G_strncpy  G_chrcpy


Brought to you by:
SOftware Cost-effective Change and Evolution Research (SOCCER) laboratory

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