[STATSGRASS] 3D geostatistics

Edzer J. Pebesma e.pebesma at geog.uu.nl
Tue May 20 04:56:54 EDT 2003


you can "feed" gstat with 3D data in a sites list (haven't checked
this, but it should work); you can then interpolate on a series
of 2D (flat) grids, specifying the height of each grid layer by

set zmap=10.0; 
#    set height of mask map(s) to 10 when observations are 3-D. [0.0] 

or you can interpolate to a 3D grid, defined in a sites list, by using

data(): 'locations';
output: 'sites.out';

where 'locations' and 'sites.out' are the prediction locations and
output predictions sites lists, respectively.

Best regards,

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