[STATSGRASS] fitting multiple variogram models

Pierluigi De Rosa sisma66 at tiscali.it
Wed Jul 26 03:32:37 EDT 2006


You can create a variogram model for different direction using the anis option 
in vgm command.
for example...
If 0 is the main direction you can use:


where 0.5 is the ratio between the 2 range model for the 2 model.

Alle 22:20, martedì 25 luglio 2006, Carlos "Guâno" Grohmann ha scritto:
> Hello all
> I'm with a problem here with gstat. I can calculate variograms in
> mutiple directions, say with alpha=c(0,45), but I don't know how to
> create different variogram models for each direction. Can I do this
> with gstat? Can I fit one model for 0 and another for 45?
> thanks


Pierluigi De Rosa

Department of Enviromental & Civil engineering 
Faculty of Engineering 
Perugia (Italy)

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