[STATSGRASS] Any suggestions?

Raffaele Morelli raffaele.morelli at gmail.com
Tue Oct 17 07:59:57 EDT 2006

2006/10/17, Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no>:
> On Tue, 17 Oct 2006, Raffaele Morelli wrote:
> > Hi everybody.
> >
> > I am running Grass6 and R start doing some simple statistical analysis.
> > I got my vectors connected to a database through a mysql driver.
> So the point/polygon geometries are in GRASS and the attribute data is in
> the database? R could also read the attribute tables directly, rather than
> pulling them through GRASS, if you like, though maintaining integrity will
> need watching.

Yes, attribute data are stored in a MySQL db.
So I can read and plot those attributes without running R inside a GRASS
Did I understand?
Actually I am trying spgrass6 using readVECT6, but I obtain this error
Error in "row.names<-.data.frame"('*tmp*', value = NULL):
 invalid lenght in "row.names"

> > I would like to start plotting maps with graphs on it so I need to fetch
> > attribute data of layers and represent them as histogram or boxplot.
> > Can you suggest me some resources?
> >
> This isn't very clear - each geometry object has a single observation on
> each attribute field, so the histograms (for each place - point/polygon)
> are across multiple fields? To get boxplots, see symbols(), but a good
> deal of massaging will need to be done to work across columns rather than
> down them. For placing histograms, it may be you'll need to go to the
> gridBase package, documented in Paul Murrell's R Graphics (CRC Press) and
> in R News October 2003, Fig. 2 is suggestive of the flexibility.

Ok, it wasn't.
I would like to plot data fetched from multiple fields or from different
layers. I am going to try both anyway.

Thanks for helping
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