[STATSGRASS] kriging - too long time

Tomas Lanczos lanczos at t-zones.sk
Sat Sep 1 19:01:46 EDT 2007

I am performing some kriging following the procedure as it is here:

My problem is that the kriging proces is very slow, it takes approx. 7 
hours. Is the problem a too high resolution, or too much sampling points 
(2234)? How can I optimalize the process?

My region setup is the following:

projection: 1 (UTM)
zone:       33
datum:      ** unknown (default: WGS84) **
ellipsoid:  bessel
north:      5387295.0553002
south:      5288130.42061478
west:       652025.98376024
east:       786301.92841404
nsres:      150.02214022
ewres:      150.02898844
rows:       661
cols:       895
cells:      591595

Many thanks


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