R: [GRASS-stats] r.reclass by rules

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 19 11:23:34 EDT 2009

Agustin wrote:
> Thanks, this is saving time, as I was having
> to use r.mapcalc after r.reclass.
> Is this important trick in the manual?
> I could not find it. Perhaps I should have figured it out
> after the example * = NULL, but I think
> that should be specifically mentioned.

thanks for mentioning it was missing. The r.reclass manual is now updated
in SVN to point out this trick.

Helena: some kind soul has added a fail-safe into g.remove, now if you try
to remove a raster which has a reclass based upon it you get an error

GRASS65> g.remove landuse.copy
WARNING: [landuse.copy at user1] is a base map. Remove reclassed map first:
         landuse.copy.reclass at user1

I'm assuming the g.remove -f force flag is there to override that.
Not sure if it notices that there is a reclass based upon it existing
in another mapset (perhaps owned by another user), but I guess you
make reclass maps based on other people's maps at your own risk. ie you
would naturally get mad at them, not the GIS, when they remove it.



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