[GRASS-stats] rgrass7 read/write SpatialPolygonsDataFrames errors
Eduardo Diez
eduardodiez at gmx.com
Sat Oct 10 08:45:41 PDT 2015
Apparently "v.info" through execGRASS is expecting the "layer" argument to
be a string rather than an integer.
> zm.fnl <- readVECT(zm.gnrl)Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, :
line 4 did not have 2 elements> vinfo0 <- execGRASS("v.info",
flags="c", map=zm.gnrl, layer=1L,+ intern=TRUE)Error in doGRASS(cmd,
flags = flags, ..., parameters = parameters, echoCmd = echoCmd, :
Parameter <layer> does not have string value>
parseGRASS("v.info")Command: v.info
Extension: .exe
Description: Outputs basic information about a vector map.
Keywords: vector, metadata, topology, extent, history, attribute columns
name: map, type: string, required: yes, multiple: no
keydesc: name, keydesc_count: 1
[Or data source for direct OGR access]
name: layer, type: string, required: no, multiple: no
default: 1
[Vector features can have category values in different layers. This
number determines which layer to use. When used with direct OGR access
this is the layer name.]
name: h [Print history instead of info and exit] {FALSE}
name: c [Print types/names of table columns for specified layer
instead of info and exit] {FALSE}
name: g [Print region info in shell script style] {FALSE}
name: e [Print extended metadata info in shell script style] {FALSE}
name: t [Print topology info in shell script style] {FALSE}
name: help [Print usage summary] {FALSE}
name: verbose [Verbose module output] {FALSE}
name: quiet [Quiet module output] {FALSE}
2015-10-10 10:56 GMT-03:00 Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no>:
> OK, thanks. So the failure is in:
> vinfo0 <- execGRASS("v.info", flags="c", map="<name>", layer=1L,
> intern=TRUE)
> used to return the column/field names. Please repeat with that.
> Roger
> On Fri, 9 Oct 2015, Eduardo Diez wrote:
> Here are the traceback and the vInfo(zm.gnrl). The latter seems to work
>> fine.
>> zm.fnl <- readVECT(zm.gnrl)
>> Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,
>> :
>> line 4 did not have 2 elements
>>> traceback()
>> 8: scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec = dec,
>> nmax = nrows, skip = 0, na.strings = na.strings, quiet = TRUE,
>> fill = fill, strip.white = strip.white, blank.lines.skip =
>> blank.lines.skip,
>> multi.line = FALSE, comment.char = comment.char, allowEscapes =
>> allowEscapes,
>> flush = flush, encoding = encoding, skipNul = skipNul)
>> 7: read.table(con, header = FALSE, sep = "|")
>> 6: vColumns(vname)
>> 5: nchar(as.character(vColumns(vname)$name))
>> 4: .read_vect_non_plugin(vname = vname, layer = layer, type = type,
>> remove.duplicates = remove.duplicates, ignore.stderr =
>> ignore.stderr,
>> pointDropZ = pointDropZ, driver = driver, with_prj = with_prj,
>> with_c = with_c)
>> 3: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
>> 2: tryCatch({
>> stopifnot(is.logical(plugin) || is.null(plugin))
>> stopifnot(is.logical(ignore.stderr))
>> if (missing(layer))
>> layer <- 1L
>> layer <- as.character(layer)
>> stopifnot(is.logical(with_c))
>> if (!is.null(driver) && driver == "GRASS")
>> plugin <- TRUE
>> if (!requireNamespace("rgdal", quietly = TRUE)) {
>> stop("rgdal not available")
>> }
>> if (is.null(plugin)) {
>> ogrD <- rgdal::ogrDrivers()$name
>> plugin <- "GRASS" %in% ogrD
>> }
>> if (plugin) {
>> res <- .read_vect_plugin(vname = vname, layer = layer,
>> type = type, ignore.stderr = ignore.stderr, pointDropZ =
>> pointDropZ,
>> mapset = mapset)
>> }
>> else {
>> res <- .read_vect_non_plugin(vname = vname, layer = layer,
>> type = type, remove.duplicates = remove.duplicates,
>> ignore.stderr = ignore.stderr, pointDropZ = pointDropZ,
>> driver = driver, with_prj = with_prj, with_c = with_c)
>> }
>> }, finally = {
>> if (get.suppressEchoCmdInFuncOption()) {
>> tull <- set.echoCmdOption(inEchoCmd)
>> }
>> })
>> 1: readVECT(zm.gnrl)
>>> vInfo(zm.gnrl)
>> nodes points lines boundaries centroids areas
>> islands primitives map3d
>> 274 0 0 302 31 31
>> 3 333 0
>> Thanks
>> 2015-10-09 11:36 GMT-03:00 Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no>:
>> If it is the v.info call, please run:
>>> res <- execGRASS("v.info", flags="t", map="zm.gnrl", layer=1L,
>>> intern=TRUE)
>>> and report the output of:
>>> print(res)
>>> and maybe send me offlist the output of
>>> save(res, file="vinfo_odd_output.RData")
>>> Roger
>>> --
>>> Roger Bivand
>>> Norwegian School of Economics
>>> Helleveien 30, 5045 Bergen, Norway
>>> Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
>>> ________________________________________
>>> Fra: grass-stats [grass-stats-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] på vegne av
>>> Roger Bivand [Roger.Bivand at nhh.no]
>>> Sendt: 9. oktober 2015 4:27
>>> Til: Eduardo Diez
>>> Kopi: grass-stats at lists.osgeo.org
>>> Emne: Re: [GRASS-stats] rgrass7 read/write SpatialPolygonsDataFrames
>>> errors
>>> OK, please provide the output of traceback() run immediately after the
>>> failing readVECT(). That will show which command invokes scan(). Also try
>>> to run vInfo(zm.gnrl) - I think the failure is in:
>>> execGRASS("v.info", flags="t", map="zm.gnrl", layer=1L)
>>> not returning a structure that vInfo understands, and which ois then used
>>> in readVECT().
>>> Roger
>>> --
>>> Roger Bivand
>>> Norwegian School of Economics
>>> Helleveien 30, 5045 Bergen, Norway
>>> Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
>>> Fra: diez.edu at gmail.com [diez.edu at gmail.com] på vegne av Eduardo Diez [
>>> eduardodiez at gmx.com]
>>> Sendt: 9. oktober 2015 4:04
>>> Til: Roger Bivand
>>> Kopi: grass-stats at lists.osgeo.org
>>> Emne: Re: [GRASS-stats] rgrass7 read/write SpatialPolygonsDataFrames
>>> errors
>>> Roger, with GRASS version 7.0.1 and rgrass7_0.1-3, readVECT now doesn't
>>> ask for the driver to use but gives the same error as before:
>>> writeVECT(SDF = mz.pol, vname = zm.pol, v.in.ogr_flags = "o")
>>> Over-riding projection check
>>> Check if OGR layer <q7468fb> contains polygons...
>>> Importing 205 features (OGR layer <q7468fb>)...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Registering primitives...
>>> 3924 primitives registered
>>> 12866 vertices registered
>>> Number of nodes: 2884
>>> Number of primitives: 3924
>>> Number of points: 0
>>> Number of lines: 0
>>> Number of boundaries: 3924
>>> Number of centroids: 0
>>> Number of areas: -
>>> Number of isles: -
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Cleaning polygons
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Breaking polygons...
>>> Breaking polygons (pass 1: select break points)...
>>> Breaking polygons (pass 2: break at selected points)...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Removing duplicates...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Breaking boundaries...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Removing duplicates...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Cleaning boundaries at nodes...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Merging boundaries...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Removing dangles...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Building areas...
>>> 205 areas built
>>> 13 isles built
>>> Number of nodes: 2929
>>> Number of primitives: 7268
>>> Number of points: 0
>>> Number of lines: 0
>>> Number of boundaries: 7268
>>> Number of centroids: 0
>>> Number of areas: 205
>>> Number of isles: 13
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Removing bridges...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Registering primitives...
>>> 498 primitives registered
>>> 5828 vertices registered
>>> Building areas...
>>> 205 areas built
>>> 13 isles built
>>> Attaching islands...
>>> Number of nodes: 306
>>> Number of primitives: 498
>>> Number of points: 0
>>> Number of lines: 0
>>> Number of boundaries: 498
>>> Number of centroids: 0
>>> Number of areas: 205
>>> Number of isles: 13
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Finding centroids for OGR layer <q7468fb>...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Writing centroids...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> 205 input polygons
>>> Total area: 1.25187E+006 (205 areas)
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Copying features...
>>> WARNING: Unable to delete file
>>> 'C:/Users/ediez1/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmpqkeay4/file480c1e5e16a7/file480c11cc233b/.tmp/unknown/vector/tmp_8308/coor'
>>> Building topology for vector map <q7468fb at file480c11cc233b>...
>>> Registering primitives...
>>> 703 primitives registered
>>> 6033 vertices registered
>>> Building areas...
>>> 205 areas built
>>> 13 isles built
>>> Attaching islands...
>>> Attaching centroids...
>>> Number of nodes: 306
>>> Number of primitives: 703
>>> Number of points: 0
>>> Number of lines: 0
>>> Number of boundaries: 498
>>> Number of centroids: 205
>>> Number of areas: 205
>>> Number of isles: 13
>>>> execGRASS("v.clean", flags = c("overwrite"), input = zm.pol,
>>> + output = zm.gnrl, tool = "rmarea", threshold = 3000)
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> Tool: Threshold
>>> Remove small areas: 3000
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> Copying features...
>>> Rebuilding parts of topology...
>>> Building topology for vector map <u10f44b at file480c11cc233b>...
>>> Registering primitives...
>>> 703 primitives registered
>>> 6033 vertices registered
>>> Building areas...
>>> 205 areas built
>>> 13 isles built
>>> Attaching islands...
>>> Attaching centroids...
>>> Number of nodes: 306
>>> Number of primitives: 703
>>> Number of points: 0
>>> Number of lines: 0
>>> Number of boundaries: 498
>>> Number of centroids: 205
>>> Number of areas: 205
>>> Number of isles: 13
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> Tool: Remove small areas
>>> 174 areas of total size 50601.7 removed
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> Rebuilding topology for output vector map...
>>> Building topology for vector map <u10f44b at file480c11cc233b>...
>>> Registering primitives...
>>> 333 primitives registered
>>> 4705 vertices registered
>>> Building areas...
>>> 31 areas built
>>> 3 isles built
>>> Attaching islands...
>>> Attaching centroids...
>>> Number of nodes: 274
>>> Number of primitives: 333
>>> Number of points: 0
>>> Number of lines: 0
>>> Number of boundaries: 302
>>> Number of centroids: 31
>>> Number of areas: 31
>>> Number of isles: 3
>>>> zm.fnl <- readVECT(zm.gnrl)
>>> Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines,
>>> na.strings, :
>>> line 4 did not have 2 elements
>>>> sessionInfo()
>>> R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14)
>>> Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
>>> Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
>>> locale:
>>> [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 LC_CTYPE=English_United
>>> States.1252 LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
>>> [4] LC_NUMERIC=C LC_TIME=English_United
>>> States.1252
>>> attached base packages:
>>> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
>>> other attached packages:
>>> [1] RPyGeo_0.9-3 RSAGA_0.94-3 plyr_1.8.3 gstat_1.0-26
>>> shapefiles_0.7 foreign_0.8-65 maptools_0.8-37 rgdal_1.0-7
>>> classInt_0.1-23
>>> [10] raster_2.4-20 rgrass7_0.1-3 XML_3.98-1.3 sp_1.2-0
>>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>>> [1] Rcpp_0.12.1 intervals_0.15.1 lattice_0.20-33 FNN_1.1
>>> spacetime_1.1-4 class_7.3-13 zoo_1.7-12 grid_3.2.2
>>> [9] e1071_1.6-7 xts_0.9-7 tools_3.2.2
>>> Thanks
>>> 2015-10-08 18:57 GMT-03:00 Roger Bivand
>>> <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no>:
>>> Sorry this has taken a long time; please try installing the development
>>> version available from:
>>> http://win-builder.r-project.org/8Y3Ihj451Clx
>>> (rgrass7_0.1-3.zip). The problem was the use of "_" instead of " " in the
>>> name of the OGR shapefile driver - in OGR and R it is "ESRI Shapefile",
>>> in
>>> GRASS it is "ESRI_Shapefile". Because the new long-name work-around
>>> worked
>>> on systems not needing to use this
>>> driver, it wasn't properly tested - and on Windows the GRASS standalone
>>> has OGR with the SQLite driver, but the Windows rgdal binary does not
>>> have
>>> SQLite. You may wish to install the R RSQLite package to move data if you
>>> use long field/column names.
>>> Before installing this development version, and after library(rgrass7),
>>> run example(readVECT) in the basic nc location from:
>>> https://grass.osgeo.org/sampledata/north_carolina/nc_basic_spm_grass7.zip
>>> it should fail. Then restart R, install the development version of
>>> rgrass7
>>> from the first link, and repeat - it works for me and should resolve the
>>> problem.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Roger
>>> --
>>> Roger Bivand
>>> Norwegian School of Economics
>>> Helleveien 30, 5045 Bergen, Norway
>>> Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
>>> Fra:
>>> grass-stats-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [grass-stats-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
>>> ]
>>> på vegne av Eduardo Diez [eduardodiez at gmx.com]
>>> Sendt: 24. september 2015 9:11
>>> Til:
>>> grass-stats at lists.osgeo.org
>>> Emne: [GRASS-stats] rgrass7 read/write SpatialPolygonsDataFrames errors
>>> Hi, I'm a user of R mostly for spatial information processing. Besides
>>> sp,
>>> maptools, etc. i also use functions from GRASS, at first through spgrass6
>>> and then rgrass7. A few days ago, I started having trouble reading and
>>> writing SpatialPolygonsDataFrames using
>>> readVECT and writeVECT. I tried both reinstalling both grass (6.4.4,
>>> 7.0.0 and 7.0.1) and the R packages (spgrass6 0.8-6 and rgrass7 0.1-2),
>>> and
>>> also with different R objects but i kept getting the same errors.
>>> The "mult.r" object is a RasterLayer with 4 zones and the objective is to
>>> convert it to polygons and "clean" small areas with v.clean rmarea (as i
>>> don't currently know a way of doing this in plain R).
>>> The first thing that came out strange was that when executing writeVECT
>>> it
>>> would ask me for the driver to use (in the way of rgdal's writeOGR, it
>>> didn't ask for it before). I figured out that object to be written should
>>> be projected (not in lat-lon, don't know
>>> why). After doing this i could write the vector and execute v.clean. The
>>> problem came again when trying to read the cleaned polygons back to R.
>>> Below i paste an extract of my R console with the errors and some
>>> information.
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Eduardo
>>> mult.rp <- projectRaster(mult.r, crs = prj.crs, method = "ngb")
>>> mult.pol <- rasterToPolygons(mult.rp, dissolve = T)
>>> initGRASS(gisBase = "c:/Program Files (x86)/GRASS GIS 7.0.1", home =
>>> tempdir(), override = T)
>>> gisdbase C:/Users/ediez1/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpegbyiQ
>>> location file2f7c6dc070e6
>>> mapset file2f7c30eb3f52
>>> rows 1
>>> columns 1
>>> north 1
>>> south 0
>>> west 0
>>> east 1
>>> nsres 1
>>> ewres 1
>>> projection NA
>>> writeVECT(mult.pol, "pol1", v.in.ogr_flags = "o")
>>> Error: !is.null(driver) is not TRUE
>>> writeVECT(mult.pol, "pol1", v.in.ogr_flags = "o", driver = "ESRI
>>> Shapefile")
>>> Over-riding projection check
>>> Check if OGR layer <r848659> contains polygons...
>>> Importing 4 features (OGR layer <r848659>)...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Registering primitives...
>>> 3005 primitives registered
>>> 15587 vertices registered
>>> Number of nodes: 2691
>>> Number of primitives: 3005
>>> Number of points: 0
>>> Number of lines: 0
>>> Number of boundaries: 3005
>>> Number of centroids: 0
>>> Number of areas: -
>>> Number of isles: -
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Cleaning polygons
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Breaking polygons...
>>> Breaking polygons (pass 1: select break points)...
>>> Breaking polygons (pass 2: break at selected points)...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Removing duplicates...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Breaking boundaries...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Removing duplicates...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Cleaning boundaries at nodes...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Merging boundaries...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Removing dangles...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Building areas...
>>> 95 areas built
>>> 8 isles built
>>> Number of nodes: 2771
>>> Number of primitives: 7307
>>> Number of points: 0
>>> Number of lines: 0
>>> Number of boundaries: 7307
>>> Number of centroids: 0
>>> Number of areas: 95
>>> Number of isles: 8
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Removing bridges...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Registering primitives...
>>> 231 primitives registered
>>> 7594 vertices registered
>>> Building areas...
>>> 95 areas built
>>> 8 isles built
>>> Attaching islands...
>>> Number of nodes: 144
>>> Number of primitives: 231
>>> Number of points: 0
>>> Number of lines: 0
>>> Number of boundaries: 231
>>> Number of centroids: 0
>>> Number of areas: 95
>>> Number of isles: 8
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Finding centroids for OGR layer <r848659>...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Writing centroids...
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> 95 input polygons
>>> Total area: 1.28981E+006 (95 areas)
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> Copying features...
>>> WARNING: Unable to delete file
>>> 'C:/Users/ediez1/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmpg10lvi/filec2473b0126/filec24129b63ac/.tmp/unknown/vector/tmp_10484/coor'
>>> Building topology for vector map <r848659 at filec24129b63ac>...
>>> Registering primitives...
>>> 326 primitives registered
>>> 7689 vertices registered
>>> Building areas...
>>> 95 areas built
>>> 8 isles built
>>> Attaching islands...
>>> Attaching centroids...
>>> Number of nodes: 144
>>> Number of primitives: 326
>>> Number of points: 0
>>> Number of lines: 0
>>> Number of boundaries: 231
>>> Number of centroids: 95
>>> Number of areas: 95
>>> Number of isles: 8
>>> execGRASS("v.clean", flags = c("overwrite"), input = "pol1",
>>> + output = "clnpol", tool = "rmarea", threshold = 3000)
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> Tool: Threshold
>>> Remove small areas: 3000
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> Copying features...
>>> Rebuilding parts of topology...
>>> Building topology for vector map <k1f9f75 at filec24129b63ac>...
>>> Registering primitives...
>>> 326 primitives registered
>>> 7689 vertices registered
>>> Building areas...
>>> 95 areas built
>>> 8 isles built
>>> Attaching islands...
>>> Attaching centroids...
>>> Number of nodes: 144
>>> Number of primitives: 326
>>> Number of points: 0
>>> Number of lines: 0
>>> Number of boundaries: 231
>>> Number of centroids: 95
>>> Number of areas: 95
>>> Number of isles: 8
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> Tool: Remove small areas
>>> 55 areas of total size 29487.1 removed
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> Rebuilding topology for output vector map...
>>> Building topology for vector map <k1f9f75 at filec24129b63ac>...
>>> Registering primitives...
>>> 212 primitives registered
>>> 6840 vertices registered
>>> Building areas...
>>> 40 areas built
>>> 4 isles built
>>> Attaching islands...
>>> Attaching centroids...
>>> Number of nodes: 136
>>> Number of primitives: 212
>>> Number of points: 0
>>> Number of lines: 0
>>> Number of boundaries: 172
>>> Number of centroids: 40
>>> Number of areas: 40
>>> Number of isles: 4
>>> cln.pol <- readVECT("clnpol")
>>> Error: !is.null(driver) is not TRUE
>>> cln.pol <- readVECT("clnpol", driver = "ESRI Shapefile")
>>> Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines,
>>> na.strings, :
>>> line 4 did not have 2 elements
>>> sessionInfo()
>>> R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14)
>>> Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
>>> Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
>>> locale:
>>> [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 LC_CTYPE=English_United
>>> States.1252 LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
>>> [4] LC_NUMERIC=C LC_TIME=English_United
>>> States.1252
>>> attached base packages:
>>> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
>>> other attached packages:
>>> [1] rgrass7_0.1-2 classInt_0.1-22 maptools_0.8-36 ggplot2_1.0.1
>>> XML_3.98-1.3 raster_2.4-20 sp_1.2-0
>>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>>> [1] Rcpp_0.12.1 magrittr_1.5 MASS_7.3-43 munsell_0.4.2
>>> colorspace_1.2-6 lattice_0.20-33 stringr_1.0.0 plyr_1.8.3
>>> [9] tools_3.2.2 parallel_3.2.2 rgdal_1.0-7 grid_3.2.2
>>> gtable_0.1.2 e1071_1.6-7 class_7.3-13 rgeos_0.3-12
>>> [17] digest_0.6.8 reshape2_1.4.1 labeling_0.3 stringi_0.5-5
>>> scales_0.3.0 foreign_0.8-65 proto_0.3-10
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> grass-stats mailing list
>>> grass-stats at lists.osgeo.org
>>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-stats
> --
> Roger Bivand
> Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
> Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
> voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 91 00
> e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
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