[GRASS-stats] raster data in R

Marisa Donnelly madonnelly at ucdavis.edu
Thu Sep 10 07:05:34 PDT 2015

I am currently working on a project attempts to summarize the potential
mosquito reproductive rate of regions in California given the region's mean
annual daily temperature. I have a written a model in R that uses
temperature as an input and outputs the reproductive rate given that
temperature. I have also constructed a raster map in GRASS GIS version 7.1
of the aggregated California daily tmean values for a year. I would like to
take the tmean temperature value of each pixel in the California map, input
it into my model in R, and generate a reproductive rate for each pixel,
which I would then like to be able to map. I would like to find the best
and most efficient way to bring in the map data into R and input it into my
model. Do you any suggestions for the best way to do this?
Marisa Donnelly
Ph.D. Student
Graduate Group in Epidemiology
University of California, Davis
madonnelly at ucdavis.edu
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