[GRASS translations] As a new member...

Vincent BAIN bain at toraval.fr
Thu Aug 2 03:18:37 EDT 2007

the french translation team has a new member from now on. I began
translating some messages in the grasstcl_fr section, and I already get
When I try to compile grass (last version from the cvs) with the option
--with-nls, then the compilation looks clean ; the result of make is :

No errors detected.

But when I try to install the program (with make install) it fails, the
error returned is :

if [ 1 -eq 1 ] ; then cd /home/vincent/grass6/dist.i686-pc-linux-gnu ;
tar cBf - locale | (cd /usr/local/grass-6.3.cvs ; tar xBf - )
2>/dev/null ; fi
make[1]: *** [real-install] Erreur 2

However when I configure grass without the nls option, the installation
works fine.

Could anyone help me figure out why it does not work ?


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