[GRASS translations] Renaming of PT_BR po-files to PT-only

Carlos Dávila cdavilam at jemila.jazztel.es
Sat Jun 16 07:46:23 EDT 2007

Paulo Marcondes escribió:
> Hi All,
> We, the portuguese translation team, now sporting 3 members (2
> brazilians, 1 portuguese), agreed on working our way through the po
> files, but as we are a mixed team, we would like to rename the po-file
> to grass*_pt.po, instead of the current grass*_pt_br.po
> Although I now have write access to the cvs, I was afraid to proceed
> without consulting the whole team.
> What is your take on this issue? Shall I proceed?
I think this was discussed before and there were no objection. I think 
you can proceed.

P.D. Please take notice of advises to update messages and send your 
changes *before* announced time.

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