tiger.info (and Census Feature Class Codes)

Jacinda M. Barbehenn mountz at murphy.gis.uiuc.edu
Tue Apr 21 10:45:17 EDT 1992

>> I have one county's TIGER files (type 1 through p) in a directory.  When I
>> run tiger.info on the type1 file I get the message "can't find classification
>> code support file".  

You're problem is that your tiger.info.sh is not finding the support file
(which has the codes and descriptions for the CFCC's) called CFCC.Master.

That file should be in your grass directory under:

Check to make sure that it's there.

Also another problem that you might run into is that tiger.info.sh (along
with the rest of the GRASS4.0 TIGER related programs) assumes version 2
TIGER files (tgrssccc.f2x).  The differences between TIGER versions 2 and 4
(besides the number of record types) is that version 2 has NO line feeds    
and version 4 does.  The GRASS4.0 TIGER programs were written assuming no
line feeds, so if you are going to use version 4 TIGER then you will need to
do a line or two of script/code modification.

-Jacinda Barbehenn 
 mountz at murphy.gis.uiuc.edu 

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