
Michael Shapiro shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Mon Aug 10 10:12:39 EDT 1992

r.in.erdas is an SCS (Soil Conservation Service) contributed module.
It does have a manual entry (at least I have one - ie it may be post 4.0).
The command doesn't work properly in all instances. SCS wrote it for their
platforms only and didn't attempt to make it general. They are currently
working on improving this command (SCS, please respond, if this isn't true).
Hopefully a more robust version will appear in 4.1.

|Tom Nelson
|I just received your note on r.in.erdas and went in and compiled it,
|no problem.  A couple of questions:
|1) Why doesn't r.in.erdas show up in my g.manual list of commands
|now? The command is accessible, but there is no visible clue that it exists.
|I should think it would be listed in Section 4 of the commands.
|2) r.in.erdas does not seem to work properly for me.  I brought a
|ver. 7.3 8-bit pc-erdas GIS file (including the trailer) in GRASS4.0
|on my SUN-IPC.  GRASS reads garbage for the header and core dumps
|with a segmentation error, as in:
|pack type------ 0
|number bands----------- 256
|number cols,rows------- 0, 0
|starting coordinate --- 0, 0
|map type -------------- 256
|number classes -------- 5632
|area ------------------ 0.000000 n
|map coordinate -------- -0.000000,
|pixel size ------------ 0.000000, 0.000000
|Do you want to select a subset of the bands in the ERDAS file (y/n)[n] n
|Do you want to subwindow the erdas file (y/n)[n] n
|The image row and column numbers are being used as the
|GRASS window coordinates.
|Segmentation fault (core dumped)
|Any ideas on where I am messing up?
|Thanks to any and all for suggestions
|Roger Slothower
|sloth at chinook.cit.cornell.edu


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