
Chris C Rewerts rewerts at ecn.purdue.edu
Tue Aug 25 15:36:41 EDT 1992

There is a section of the installation manual (look for 
the file install.roff.ms) that describes setting up
the fifos, drivers, and such.

>From lists-owner at amber.cecer.army.mil Tue Aug 25 14:22:30 1992
>From: William Ivey <wivey at ncsc.org>
>Subject: d.mon
>I have just installed GRASS 4.0 on a DEC 5000 and it was surprisingly
>easy, just had to make one code change.  I also loaded the spearfish
>data base so I would have something to play with.  However, when I
>execute GRASS and run d.mon I am told "no known monitors".  So, how
>do I set up a monitor?
>Also, is there a "User's Guide"?  I have the Programmer's Manual and
>the Introductory Guide(John Parks).  If there is such a beast, where
>may I find it?
>Many thanks,
>Will Ivey
>North Carolina Super Computer Center

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