PC/Unix platform for GRASS?

Jim Gasprich jimg at lake.rutgers.edu
Fri Dec 11 10:39:18 EST 1992

> DELL has put together a 486 based UNIX box which comes preloaded
> with UNIX/Motif/olwm/GRASS and a 17 inch color monitor. We are currently 
> evaluating the GRASS port to a 50mgHz model. The unit was setup and 
> running GRASS within 30 minutes of its arrival. To date we have been 
> very impressed by the performance and the quality of the configuration.

I have heard that several groups have received this setup for evaluation.
Methinks that my group should be getting one as well (wishful or hopeful

One of my *PRIMARY* concerns in the evaluation would be the ability to
have this machine/setup/configuration interact with the other machines
on a network, such as X-windowing ability, NFS mounts, and (extremely 
wishful thinking) NIS operations. If a machine cannot be a functioning
contributor in a network of other machines, it's usefulness is very 
limited, in my opinion.

If anyone has attempted netwoking with these Dells, or any other PC running
other flavors of UNIX (but not utilities such as DESQview/X or related 
products), I would be interested in comments, opinions, and feedback, 
and would be willing to summarize.

Although this should probably belong in other newsgroups or discussions,
and is not *DIRECTLY* related to GRASS, it is an important part of 
maintaining a functioning GIS operation.

Jim Gasprich				e-mail: jimg at ocean.rutgers.edu
Research & Support Slave		tel:    (908) 932-9631
Cook College Remote Sensing Center	fax:    (908) 932-8644
Dept of Natural Resources
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ, O8903  	"Du bist mein Gweckman" - Anonymous Fascist

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