GRASS4.0 Under openwindows 3.0

John E. Parks john at
Wed Feb 26 10:22:14 EST 1992

There are obviously trade-offs using the two different XDRIVERS... each
  has there own benefits.  What we have done at CAST is to use both,
  depending on the application.  We defined more entries in the
  $GISBASE/etc/monitorcap and called the new (color impaired) driver
  XDRIVER.BETA.  If we need fast vector draws we use the new one, if we
  need to see colors change in d.colors we use the old one...


The term Nerd is so demeaning... I prefer fashion impaired.

    __                   __ 
   /  )      /          /  )     Research Specialist
  /   / _   /_  _      /__/      Ctr for Advanced Spatial Technologies
  (__/_(_)_/ /_/ )_   /   _      National Ctr for Resource Innovations
    /                            12 Ozark Hall, Univ. of Arkansas
   /                             Fayetteville, AR  72701
John E. Parks                    phone: (501) 575-6159
[john at] Internet    or: (501) 575-4575

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