GRASS4.0 Under openwindows 3.0

Lars Schylberg larss at
Wed Feb 26 09:42:59 EST 1992

I have experienced this flashing too, using the newest XDRIVER but
on ( sparc1+/sunos 4.1.1/openwin 2). I will change next week or so to
openwin 3 and 4.1,2.   

This flashing occurs only when I run in d.colormode float.  When I us
colormode fixed is it ok.   I could be worth to mention that if you run
d.display, that program sets the colormode automaticly to float mode.


National Land Survey of Sweden           Dept. of Photogrammetry
R&D Departmant                           Royal Inst. of Technology
S-80112 Gavle, Sweden                    10044 Stockholm, Sweden

larss at                          larss at

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