WORLD database on FTP Server

Kenneth R Brownfield brownfld at
Wed Jul 8 01:53:03 EDT 1992

A.D.Gray at writes:
|I have FTP'd the world.cpio.Z database from the GRASS FTP server, but when
|I try to uncompress it here it takes ages (generates a file of nearly 40
|megabytes) and then core dumps.  I have not had this problem with the other
|files in the data directory (imagery and spearfish).  Has anyone else had
|this problem?  Is the world.cpio.Z file corrupt?

     I tested the file, and it seems fine here on the moon.  Make sure you're
trying a binary transfer, and try the transfer again.  Both the compression
and the cpio tables seem to be fine.
     Mail lists-owner at (me) if you continue to have any
more problems.

|Tony Gray                           AARNET:A.D.Gray at
|Technical Services Manager          Voice :(003) 260 366
|School of Applied Computing         Intnl :+61 03 260 366
|University of Tasmania at Launceston - Australia
                                           brownfld at
                                               Kenneth R. Brownfield

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