multiple utm zones

Michael Shapiro shapiro at
Fri Jul 17 12:05:56 EDT 1992

Just a note of warning. v.proj is begin redesigned to do projections
between locations instead of mapsets. The mapsets design violates the
principle that ALL spatial data in a give location should be in the
same projection (ie will overlay properly).

Hopefully by 4.1 GRASS will support locations with different
projections other than UTM and projection software will "project" data
from one location (in a given projection) into another location (with a
different projection). This will include not only vector data, but
site data as well (perhaps even raster data).

|	I responed to the problem of Alaska's 10 UTM zones
|through the use of m.setproj and v.proj. My understanding of
|v.proj is that is changes projections of vector files between
|mapsets, not locataions. (If this is wrong let me know.)
|Therefore you want several mapsets with different projections
|(e.g. Alberts equal area, utm 5, utm 6, etc.) under the same
|location. What I proposed is that the location under which all
|the different mapset projections lie be x,y.
|Bruce Wylie


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