problems starting graphics monitors

nps!pns at nps!pns at
Fri Jul 17 17:30:56 EDT 1992

 | I recently installed grass4.0 on our sun system running openwindows v2.
 | I am having problems getting the XDRIVER to open up a graphics monitor.
 | I know I probably made a real dumb mistake somewhere, so any help to
 | fix it will be greatly appreciated.
 | When I try d.mon start=x0, I get:
 | GRASS 4.0 > d.mon start=x0
 | X Error:  BadMatch
 |   Request Major code 78 ()
 |   Request Minor code 1
 |   ResourceID 0x80069
 |   Error Serial #11
 |   Current Serial #12
 | Please start graphics monitor <x0>.
 | Problem selecting x0. Will try once more

I just had an almost identical problem.  It may have been identical, but
I didn't write down the exact messages.  I was able to fix it simply
by removing /usr/5bin from my path, and then recompiling.  You may need
to delete all .o files first.

	Peter Strong
	National Park Service\!peter

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