GRASS4.0 installation

Kenneth R Brownfield brownfld at
Wed Jul 29 12:54:07 EDT 1992

|I am having a similar problem to this which is not addressed
|by this answer:
|> you'll get a list of commands, including the GET and DIR commands which will
|> allow you to get the archives.  Our list manager software is called listman,
|> and is fairly well known in the Unix mailing list world.

|The e-mail server here at the University of Oklahoma is an IBM
|3081 running MVS.  The e-mail program is UCLAMAIL.  The problem
|I have is that the mail coming from GRASSU is treated as just
|that, mail, not files.  LISTSERV servers are able to send files,

     Can you save an email message to a file using UCLAMAIL?

|Dan Hough
|Oklahoma Biological Survey
                                           brownfld at
Kenneth R. Brownfield                     lists-owner at
Office of GRASS Integration,               ftp-admin at
United States Army Corps of Engineers           (217) 352-6511 x572
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

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