TIGER/Census Workshop

Jacinda M. Barbehenn mountz at murphy.gis.uiuc.edu
Tue Jun 30 12:45:51 EDT 1992

     *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*  ANNOUNCEMENT  *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

            SHORT COURSE:  TIGER and Census Programs in GRASS

DATE:                  29-30 July 1992
TIME:                  8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day 
LOCATION:              The University of Illinois GIS Laboratory, Urbana, Il
COST:                  $100

TOPICS TO BE COVERED:  - Review of GRASS4.0 TIGER programs: v.in.tiger,
			 v.db.rim, Gen.tractmap, Gen.Maps, m.tiger.region,
			 and tiger.info.sh.
                       - Instruction and detailed information on the new 
                         TIGER and Census GRASS programs:  v.in.tig.basic, 
                         v.in.tig.lndmk, m.in.stf1.db3, m.in.stf1.tape, 
			 s.in.stf1, and stf1.labels.sh.
                       - Informational talks on the data and structure of
                         the TIGER/Line file and the 1990 Census STF1 files. 

INSTRUCTORS:           - Dr. James Hinthorne, CWU
                       - Jacinda Barbehenn, USACERL/UI GIS LAB
                       - Andrew Flora, U.S. Census Bureau

OPENINGS:              Limited.  To inquire about enrollment contact:

                       Jacinda Barbehenn
                       phone:   217-333-5920
                       e-mail:  mountz at murphy.gis.uiuc.edu

SPONSORED BY:          USACERL and the UI GIS Laboratory


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