help!--v.digit to raster conversion

John E. Parks john at
Wed Mar 11 19:30:14 EST 1992


|converted.  When I run d.rast to view the file a dashed sort of line 
|on one side of the file appears.  

The combination of your screen resolution and the resolution of the new
  raster image may be the problem for the "dotted" lines.  Did you zoom
  in on the image to make sure that it wasn't just funtion of the 
  display resolution?

    __                   __ 
   /  )      /          /  )     Research Specialist
  /   / _   /_  _      /__/      Ctr for Advanced Spatial Technologies
  (__/_(_)_/ /_/ )_   /   _      National Ctr for Resource Innovations
    /                            12 Ozark Hall, Univ. of Arkansas
   /                             Fayetteville, AR  72701
John E. Parks                    phone: (501) 575-6159
[john at] Internet    or: (501) 575-4575

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