bdlg directory

Dave Gerdes dpgerdes at
Thu May 14 17:24:49 EDT 1992

> Date: Thu, 14 May 92 09:08:04 -0500
> From: rewerts at (Chris C Rewerts)
> Message-Id: <9205141408.AA29509 at>
> Sender: lists-owner at
> Reply-To: grassu-list at
> Precedence: Bulk
> To: grassu-list at
> Subject: bdlg directory
> I have been helping someone to import dlg files into GRASS.
> After completing one of our sets of maps, I noticed in
> the $LOCATION/bdlg directory hundreds of files with the names of 
> the original (ASCII) dlg files that were imported (however
> the files in the bdlg dir are not ASCII).
> The individual dlg files were imported to grass vect,
> then was used to build topology, then individual
> maps were joined into larger maps with the help of v.db.rim.
> After the conglomerate maps were created g.remove was used to
> nuke the small section maps created from the dlg files.
> My questions to those in the know: are the bldg files now
> necessary? If not, why weren't they removed when the vector
> maps of the same name were removed? What part of the operation
> created them ( or
> Chris Rewerts                        

This is a known problem (but not widely discussed).  It is a residual of
the diverse past of MAPDEV.  The bdlg files used to be the primary GRASS
vector format.  They are currently only created as a by-projuct of  This program is really two different programs.  They used to 
not delete the file because they were a somewhat useful data file.  That
functionality did not change in 4.0 when they were merged to support one
program (i.e.  I am currently re-writing that program
to bypass the bdlg stage altogether.  Until that time, the files do 
accumulate.  Guess we should put in a bug report to have the files
deleted automatically.


  Dave Gerdes
  US Army Construction Engineering Research Lab
  Spatial Analysis & Systems Team
  dpgerdes at
  (217) 352-6511 x591

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