bdlg directory

Chris C Rewerts rewerts at
Thu May 14 10:08:04 EDT 1992

I have been helping someone to import dlg files into GRASS.
After completing one of our sets of maps, I noticed in
the $LOCATION/bdlg directory hundreds of files with the names of 
the original (ASCII) dlg files that were imported (however
the files in the bdlg dir are not ASCII).

The individual dlg files were imported to grass vect,
then was used to build topology, then individual
maps were joined into larger maps with the help of v.db.rim.
After the conglomerate maps were created g.remove was used to
nuke the small section maps created from the dlg files.

My questions to those in the know: are the bldg files now
necessary? If not, why weren't they removed when the vector
maps of the same name were removed? What part of the operation
created them ( or

Chris Rewerts                        

Bonus Postcript:
And if you have read this far, here is some amusement for
the "something completely different department"...
I came across the following yesterday when browsing the
names of various other mailing lists. It seems that 
grassu and grassp are not the only GRASS mailing lists.
This is from a article posted by Gene Spafford of Purdue.
I didn't make it up...

>Subject: Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists, Part II
>[This is the second of of three articles on mailing lists.]
>    Contact: grass-server at
>    Purpose: The GRASS (Generic Religions and Secret Societies)
>    mailing list is a forum for the development of religions and
>    secret societies for use in role-playing games. Both real-world
>    and fictional religions and secret societies are covered. GRASS is
>    an erratic volume, high signal-to-noise, mailing list.

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