p.map p.chart

grass grass%alla at amber.cecer.army.mil
Tue May 26 16:50:01 EDT 1992

I am trying to set up a tek4696 inkjet printer to a Sun SPARC2
To the best of my knowledge I've followed the instalation instructions through
editing the list/local file 
compiling the drivers
linking the /dev files
chmod 0666 /dev/....
the ttytab file has been altered to turn getty off 
the printer passes its own self test
p.select presents the expected choices
p.chart prompts to reset the plotter and hit return
everything seems to work
i get the GRASS 4.0 > prompt
but nothing happens at the printer 
the same is true for p.map

any suggestions as to what i've done wrong ??
it doesn't seem to be that difficult

Tom Nelson 
Ft. Worth Texas

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