your mail

Michael Shapiro shapiro at
Mon Nov 9 12:28:18 EST 1992

The locking mechanism is file and process id based and is not industrial
strength. Check the permissions on all the directories and subdirectories
and make sure you have drwxrwxrwx on 
and that r and x permission are allowed for all the parent dirctories leading
to /usr/export/home/GRASS/GRASS4.0/sun4/locks/
What permissions does the :0.0.x0 file have?

|I was working on GRASS4.0 under sun openwindow, basically doing start graphic
|monitor, draw some raster maps on it, close the graphic monitor and then restart
|the graphic monitor again. Because I was testing a c shell script I had writen 
|which can perform the jobs above. Everything seems OK until one time after
|the graphic monitor is closed and I tried to open it again using the script,
|an error message appeared on my working window as...
|Graphics driver [x0] started
|Error - Could not complete locking process for monitor <x0>
|Lock file is /usr/export/home/GRASS/GRASS4.0/sun4/locks/soilwater/:0.0.x0
|Problem selecting x0. Will try once more
|and at the same time I did see the graphic monitor had been started except with
|   GRASS4.0 - X Display Window
|on it. I tried to manually close the graphic monitor by issuing command d.mon
|and get an error message...
|Error - Locking mechanism failed
|after logout the system and reenter again, I tried to repeat the job I did using
|script manually and got the exactly the same error message. Is there any one    could tell me what I am doing wrong ?  Why does the graphic monitor behave like
|this ?
|Thanks in advance.
|Oklahoma State University
|Fengxia  Ma

Michael Shapiro                        U.S. Army CERL                  
email:   shapiro at  Office of GRASS Integration
phone:   (217) 373-7277                P.O. Box 9005                   
fax:     (217) 373-7222                Champaign, Ill. 61826-9005

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