GRASS short course

Chin-Shien Wu johnwu at
Thu Nov 12 11:32:30 EST 1992

I am a graduate student in Auburn University. I start to use GRASS in my
study. I need to attend a GRASS short course as soon as possible. I tried
to enrol the Basic course (Dec. 7-11) and Advanced GRASS (Dec. 14-17) in
the Central Washington University, but both courses are filled. They just
put my name on the waiting list, and they want me attend the courses in the
June,1993. I cannot wait until June, since I need to use GRASS right now.
Does anyone know that is there any short GRASS course in the United States
in the near future? If you have any information, please tell me as soon as
possible. Thank you very much.
My address is
Chin-shien Wu
School of Forestry
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama 36849

e-mail: johnwu at

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