
Linda Bragg x6451 lbragg at ncrds.er.usgs.gov
Thu Nov 12 13:53:18 EST 1992

 We have a very complicated system.  Our system was originally set
up such that the location was in ALBERS coordinates and we were only
allowed to make mapsets under this area..  Our system administrator 
did not believe that people wanted to work in UTMS and was very security
minded.  In other words people were not allowed to make new locations for
any new projects that they wanted to do so we had to improvise by putting
our UTM mapsets down under this location.  Things have improved since he
is no longer in control of the system.  However old habits die hard.

Linda Bragg

> It isn't my assumption.  It  is  the  way  GRASS  was  originally
> designed.   LOCATIONs  are in one projection - all data share the
> same coordinate system. This is a fundamental design in GRASS and
> very expensive to change.
> Of course, you can trick GRASS, by editting the WIND file in your
> mapset (and all the cellhd files as well) and just change the zone.
> As long as the WIND file and the cellhd files havew the same zone
> GRASS will be happy. But you will run into problems if you try to
> do anything with a map that is in a different zone.
> I agree that this is a  hassle.   Perhaps  if  you  could  change
> locations  without  leaving  GRASS,  would  that  be a reasonable
> compromise?
> |
> |
> |> 
> |Mr. Shapiro
> |you make the assumption that everyone works in only one area in a mapset.
> |if you are working with data all over the US sometimes it makes sense to
> |be able to just edit the zone if you are working in UTMS and just change
> |where you are in order to be able to work with the data in one location 
> |without continuously getting in and out of grass.
> |Linda Bragg
> |This way you can keep several mapsets in one location.
> |
> |
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Michael Shapiro                        U.S. Army CERL                  
> email:   shapiro at amber.cecer.army.mil  Office of GRASS Integration
> phone:   (217) 373-7277                P.O. Box 9005                   
> fax:     (217) 373-7222                Champaign, Ill. 61826-9005
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

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