i.grey.scale, r.colors

Michael Shapiro shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Fri Nov 13 12:02:25 EST 1992

No difference. i.grey.scale existeed becuase r.colors didn't do it.
r.colors now can do it so there is no difference. Perhaps i.grey.scale
should be eliminated. (But then there is one less i. command and people
will think GRASS has even less image processing capabilities).

|Hi GRASS users,
|Does anyone know the difference between the contrast stretching that
|i.grey.scale performs and the contrast stretch that one gets when running
|r.colors to get a histogram equalized grey scale?
|Cristina Seabra
|New University of Lisbon
|Lisbon, Portugal
|cis at fct.unl.pt

Michael Shapiro                        U.S. Army CERL                  
email:   shapiro at amber.cecer.army.mil  Office of GRASS Integration
phone:   (217) 373-7277                P.O. Box 9005                   
fax:     (217) 373-7222                Champaign, Ill. 61826-9005

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