one answer about sharing files

Laxmi Prasad Musunur mlp at
Fri Nov 20 09:05:47 EST 1992

>We are having some permission problems.  I have a data set in my home
>directory.  Others members of my group have been unable to access those
>files with grass, even though they have full UNIX permission and I turned
>on the grass permission for that data set.

	GRASS looks at the ownership of the file, not just UNIX permissions.
If you want everyone to have access to a set of files, you can create a 
PERMANENT mapset and  as long as others have their MAPSETS under the same
location, they can use the raster/vector files in PERMANENT mapset.

> I also get an error when trying to use the d.display command using MacX on
>a macintosh as an x-server.  The error message reads:
>       Xerror of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
>       Major opcode of failed request:  78 (X_CreateColormap)
>       Serial number of failed request:  13

	We have the same problem with an PC-XView (PC X Server) and I would
be glad to have few answers.

	Laxmi P. Musunur (LP)
	School of Forestry,
	Auburn University,
	AUBURN AL 36849

	mlp at

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