**problems with DESQview/X PC running GRASS, XDPYINFO

Michael Shapiro shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Fri Sep 18 16:52:54 EDT 1992

Well, I think this is the problem. You only have one PsuedoColor
visual and it isn't large enough. 16 colors isn't enough to run GRASS.
|>|	We're trying to run GRASS on a PC running DESQview. 
|>|The problems experienced with old xdriver:
|>|	1. Vector maps (even color) can be displayed without any problem.
|>|	2. When we try to display a raster map, it gives a bunch of error 
|>|messages like,
|>|	X Error (major opcode 72 -- XPutImage).  and the monitor dies!!
|>|Problems with new XDRIVER:(for GRASS running on a PC through DESQview)
|>|	1. When we start the monitor (d.mon start) it self it says 
|>|		"Color: Can't set color 0"
|>|	2. When we try to display a color vector map it doesn't use the
|>|assigned color (infact no color can be displayed at all)
|>|	3. When we try to display a raster map the monitor dies saying
|>|		"Segmentation fault"
|>|Laxmi P. Musunur (LP)
|>If you have the command xdpyinfo, run that and send the output from this
|>command to the list. The GRASS XDRIVER assumes that the Default Visual
|>is PsuedoColor, and I would like to see if that is true for you server.
|>xdpyinfo is a command I use to dump a lot of info about the X Server
|>and among this is info about all visuals you serve supports.
|	Here is the xdpyinfo for my X server: thankyou .. Laxmi P. Musunur (LP)
| xdpyinfo for DESQview/X PC
|name of display:
|version number:    11.0
|vendor string:    DESQview/X (R), by Quarterdeck Office Systems
|vendor release number:    100
|maximum request size:  4096 longwords (16384 bytes)
|motion buffer size:  0
|bitmap unit, bit order, padding:    8, MSBFirst, 32
|image byte order:    MSBFirst
|number of supported pixmap formats:    2
|supported pixmap formats:
|    depth 1, bits_per_pixel 1, scanline_pad 32
|    depth 4, bits_per_pixel 4, scanline_pad 32
|keycode range:    minimum 8, maximum 124
|number of extensions:    2
|    SHAPE
|    Quarterdeck Extensions
|default screen number:    0
|number of screens:    1
|screen #0:
|  dimensions:    800x600 pixels (240x180 millimeters)
|  resolution:    85x85 dots per inch
|  depths (2):    1, 4
|  root window id:    0x80067
|  depth of root window:    4 planes
|  number of colormaps:    minimum 1, maximum 1
|  default colormap:    0x80065
|  default number of colormap cells:    16
|  preallocated pixels:    black 0, white 15
|  options:    backing-store YES, save-unders NO
|  current input event mask:    0x70003c
|    ButtonPressMask          ButtonReleaseMask        EnterWindowMask          
|    LeaveWindowMask          SubstructureRedirectMask FocusChangeMask          
|    PropertyChangeMask       
|  number of visuals:    1
|  default visual id:  0x80064
|  visual:
|    visual id:    0x80064
|    class:    PseudoColor
|    depth:    4 planes
|    size of colormap:    16 entries
|    red, green, blue masks:    0x0, 0x0, 0x0
|    significant bits in color specification:    6 bits

Michael Shapiro                        U.S. Army CERL                  
email:   shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil  Environmental Division          
phone:   (217) 373-7277                P.O. Box 9005                   
fax:     (217) 373-7222                Champaign, Ill. 61826-9005

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