rs6000 memory problems

Michael Shapiro shapiro at
Fri Sep 25 00:04:34 EDT 1992

There are fixes for the memory problems with the vector tools
you mentioned on moon.

|There have been several inquiries to the list about memory
|problems running GRASS on an RS6000.  I might have missed any
|answers posted so I hope you dont mind responding again
|We have installed GRASS on an RS6000 model 340 with 128mb of ram
|600 mb of swap space and the /tmp have about 130mb open.  We are
|running AIX 3.2
|We are trying to set up GRASS in a new lab in our Library using
|the NCD X-terminals connected to the RS6000.  Due to time
|constraints we used the YOUNG MINDS CD to install GRASS.  
|After installation we get the following problems:
|d.vect park.auth c=black
|Vector file [park.auth]
|Selected information from dig header
| Organization:  National Park Service
| Map Name:      New Authorized Boundary
| Source Date:   January 92
| Orig. Scale:   24000
| North: 4321250
| South: 4193600
| East:  774900
| West:  673150
|Initializing [park.auth] ... Out of Memory.
|This is the error message that shows when trying to display large
|vector files
|2. OUT of MEMORY (again)
|This is the error message when running v.digit (digitizing)
|"Shall we continue? [y] y
|            |
|| Graphics set.Out of Memory.
|3. OUT of MEMORY (again)
|Mapset <PERMANENT> in Location <snp735>
|GRASS-GRID > input=abound output=abound.vtr
|Loading vector information.
|Out of Memory.
|Has anyone solved this mystery yet?
|Jim Klein
|University of Virginia
|jrk6f at uva.pcmail.Virginia.EDU

Michael Shapiro                        U.S. Army CERL                  
email:   shapiro at  Environmental Division          
phone:   (217) 373-7277                P.O. Box 9005                   
fax:     (217) 373-7222                Champaign, Ill. 61826-9005

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