LISA and Grass

Lars Schylberg larss at
Fri Apr 2 02:45:46 EST 1993

I have also used the statistical package LISA together with GRASS.  My version
is since 1989 I think.  I was in contact with the author of LISA at that time
and he just moved back from US to Australia then.  It was very easy to use
LISA and GRASS together.  I just built some Bourne shell scritps that 
calculated things in Grass, then some plain ascii files where imported to 
LISA for analysis or display.  I might even have some old scripts if I dig 
into some old archives of mine, if you are interested.


Lars Schylberg                          Email: larss at  
Dept. of Geodesy and Photogrammetry 
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)     Tel.   +46 8 790 86 33   
S-100 44  STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN             Fax.   +46 8 790 66 10

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