Grass4.1beta monitor problems

Anantha Prasad prasad at
Fri Apr 2 11:20:04 EST 1993

I compiled Grass4.1beta on Sun IPX workstation...without problems...I now have ttrouble running the monitor. I suspect that the problem was  while running setup before compiling:  it said:

I can't find your X11 include path.
Is X installed on your system? y

Path for X11 include files [RETURN for none] -->/usr/openwin/share/include/X11
Invalid path. Try again.

After several unsuccessful tries, I hit RETURN

Then it said:
Path for X11 include files [RETURN for none] -->
I can't find your Motif include path.

Path for Motif include files [RETURN for none] -->
I can't seem to find your X Library.
Path to your X Library [RETURN for none] -->/usr/openwin/lib
This is an invalid path. Try again.
Path to your X Library [RETURN for none] -->
I hit return.

When I tried to start the monitor, 
GRASS 4.1beta > d.mon x0
Error:  could not execute '/ever/grass4.1b/source/sun4/driver/XDRIVER'

What is the solution? Thanks. prasad at

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