problems running grass4.0 in macX

Rebecca Scheckler rebecca at
Mon Apr 5 13:58:58 EDT 1993

I am trying to run grass 4.0 on my macIIvx using macX from sun4 on a
sparcII work station.  I get so far as to start grass but I cannot start a
graphic monitor.  The error messages that follow indicate a problem with a
font in macX.
However, rebuilding the font directory does not change the situation. 
Anyone out there with experience running grass in macX?
GRASS 4.0 > d.mon x1
Graphics driver [x1] started
Graph_SetX: display doesn't know font 9x15
Please start graphics monitor <x1>.
Error - Graphics monitor <x1> not running!
Problem selecting x1. Will try once more
Please start graphics monitor <x1>.
Error - Graphics monitor <x1> not running!
* Rebecca Scheckler                 Information Systems and Insect Studies 
* Department of Entomology          rebecca at
* 211 Price Hall                    rebeccas at vtvm1(bitnet)
* Blacksburg, VA 24061-0319         fax: 703-231-9131
*                                   phone: 703-231-7216

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