General Definition of GIS

Donald R Baird baird at
Thu Apr 22 11:38:27 EDT 1993

Here are several GIS definitions that I have accumulated in the past year
or so....

A computer program that combines the precise location of mapped features 
(graphics) with feature data (attributes) about those features.

GISs combine digital image and database technologies to match detailed
information against the geographic features of maps.

GIS integrates graphics and attributes to support complex spatial 

GIS transforms static data into information people can use to understand
and solve problems.

Hope (one of) these help -


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   C O N T R O L   |           Control Data Systems, Inc.            |
     ___   ___     | Donald R. Baird            donald.baird at |
    / __|  __ \    | St. Louis, MO                      314-872-2237 |
   ( (__   __) )   |                              FAX - 314-872-2206 |
    \___  |___/    +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+
                   | "It's much easier to apologize than get per-    |
      D A T A      |  mission."    -    Adml. Grace Hopper           |
                    \ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = /

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