GRASS4.1 & Solaris 2.2

Ronald Thomas ront at niwot.CFNR.ColoState.EDU
Wed Aug 11 13:42:24 EDT 1993


We are attempting to compile GRASS4.1 on a SPARClassic  running Solaris
2.2, using gcc 2.4.5 as the compiler:.  We are getting a failure at 
/src/libes/gis , with error messages showing

intr_char.c: In function 'G_intr_char':
intr_char.c:17 storage size of 'buf' not known
intr_char.c:19 'TIOCGETC' undeclared
*** Error code 1
make: fatal error: ....
GISGEN failure at step: /src/libes/GIS

Any ideas as to why we are bombing out so early in the compilation?

We are using the following "head" file:

CC                  = gcc
ARCH                = classic

GISBASE             = /opt/grass4.1
UNIX_BIN            = /opt/grass4.1/local/bin

DEFAULT_DATABASE    = /data2/romo

COMPILE_FLAGS       = -ansi -w 
LDFLAGS             = -s

XCFLAGS             = -D_NO_PROTO
XLDFLAGS            =
XINCPATH            = /usr/openwin/share/include
XMINCPATH           =
XLIBPATH            = -L/usr/openwin/lib
XTLIBPATH           = -L/usr/lib
XMLIBPATH           = -L/usr/lib
XLIB                = -lX11
XTLIB               = -lXt
XMLIB               = -lXm
XEXTRALIBS          =

TERMLIB             = -ltermlib
CURSES              = -lcurses $(TERMLIB)
MATHLIB             = -lm

#                   LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?
#                   LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ranlib $@
#                   LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ar ts $@
#                   LIBRULE = ar rc $@ `lorder $(OBJ) | tsort`
LIBRULE             = ar ruv $@ $?

USE_TERMIO          =
USE_MTIO            = -DUSE_MTIO
USE_FTIME           =
DIGITFLAGS          =

Any help would be appreciated. 

^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
   Ronald Thomas                         ^  ront at
    Natural Resources Spec. (GIS)        ^  
     Resources Management Division       ^   Phone: 303-586-3565  x285
      Rocky Mountain National Park       ^          700-323-7285  (FTS)
       Estes Park, CO  80517             ^   FAX:   303-586-4702
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^

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