[Q] xgrass4.1 on HP720

H. J. Hong hjhong at ev004.ev.nctu.edu.tw
Thu Aug 12 09:00:41 EDT 1993

>From jjkao at ev004.ev.nctu.edu.tw Thu Aug 12 20:25 EAT 1993
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Date: Thu, 12 Aug 93 20:25:55 +0800
>From: Jehng-Jung Kao <jjkao at ev004.ev.nctu.edu.tw>
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To: hjhong at ev004.ev.nctu.edu.tw
Subject: please post to grass-list
Status: R

I just installed grass4.1 on our HP720 with X11R5, but
it gave the following error message when I tried to display

X Error of failed request:  BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length error)
  Major opcode of failed request: 72 (X_PutImage)
  Serial number of failed request: 321
  Current Serial number in output stream: 322
Broken pipe

I will appreciate very much for your help for locating/resolving the above 

*  Hong-Jei Hong                         Email:hjhong at ev004.ev.nctu.edu.tw  *
*                                          (IP:               *
* Institute of Environmental Engineering   TEL :011-886-35-712171x2929     *
* National Chiao Tung University                                            *
* Street: 75 Po-Ai Street, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30090, R.O.C."                   *

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