utm spheroid clarke 1886

Gerald I. Evenden gie at charon.er.usgs.gov
Tue Dec 14 09:43:46 EST 1993

>From: "Agustin Lobo" <agust at eno.Princeton.EDU>
>Date: Mon, 13 Dec 93 21:07:00 EST
>Sender: grass-lists-owner at max.cecer.army.mil
>To: grassu-list at max.cecer.army.mil
>Subject: utm spheroid clarke 1886
>I've got an image georeferenced to UTM coordiantes on
>zone 18. They say that the spheroid used was clarke 1886.
>Is this the same that clark66 or clarke80, which are listed
>at the MAPSET setup? what happens if I give an incorrect one?

I *strongly* suspect that "1886" should read "1866".  Someone
stuttered on the wrong key.

Gerald (Jerry) I. Evenden   Internet: gie at charon.er.usgs.gov
voice: (508)563-6766          Postal: P.O. Box 1027
  fax: (508)457-2310                  N.Falmouth, MA 02556-1027

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