GIS Master Bibliography - Update #2

Duane F Marble dmarble at
Thu Dec 30 09:25:14 EST 1993

                     GIS Master Bibliography

            Geographic Information Systems Laboratory
                     Department of Geography
                    The Ohio State University
                         Columbus, Ohio

             Update Notice No. 2 - December 29, 1993

New Items:

     The following items have been added to GIS Master Bibliography
FTP area:

A)   International Journal of Geographical Information Systems,
     Vol. 7, No. 5 (Sept-Oct, 1993)

B)   Mac versions of most of the existing EndNote libraries.
     Located in the gis.mac subdirectory.


A)   My thanks to Dr. Khaled Al-Taha of Louisiana State University
     for providing the Mac versions of the EndNote libraries.

B)   Please note that the correct IP address for BASTET is given
     this time. I regret the difficulties that this caused some of


 [The following material will be repeated in every update post-

Accessing the GIS Master Bibliography

       Access to current files is available via anonymous FTP for
those individuals and organizations having access to the Internet.
Because of copyright restrictions, files will be restricted to
those instances where formal agreements have been signed with the

     To access the currently available files enter the following

     ftp  (this is BASTET.SBS.OHIO-STATE.EDU)

when you are asked to log in, respond with the user name of


when you are asked for a password, please respond with your
Internet address.

     When the log on operation is completed, change to the
appropriate directory by using one of the following commands:

     cd biblio                (this places you in the base direc-
                              tory for the project -- several
                              ASCII information files are located

     cd /biblio/gis.refer     (this places you in a directory with
                              files in REFER (ASCII) format)

     cd /biblio/gis.pc        (this places you in a directory with
                              files in EndNote format for the PC)

     cd /biblio/gis.mac       (this places you in a directory with 
                              files in EndNote format for the Mac)

     You may now copy any of the available files. For example, to
copy the ASCII bibliographic entries for the 1992 Spatial Data
Handling Symposium select the gis.refer directory and issue the

     get sdh92.refer

FTP also supports the command mget which permits the retrieval of
multiple files using wild card specifications. For example to
retrieve all of the ASCII files dealing with the various Spatial
Data Handling Symposia, select the gis.refer directory and issue
the command:

     mget sdh*.*

If you are planning to copy either the PC or Mac versions of the
EndNote binary files, you must issue the following command before
issuing the command to get a copy of the desired file:


After the file(s) have been copied, they should reside in your
default directory on your home machine. To leave the FTP session,
issue the final command:


that returns you to your home machine.  

Requests for Information, Comments, etc.

                        marble.1 at

                     Professor Duane Marble
                     Department of Geography
                    The Ohio State University
                      Columbus, Ohio 43210

Duane F. Marble              E-mail: dmarble at
Department of Geography      Telephone: (614) 292-2250
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio 43210         Fax: (614) 292-6213

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