Inputting DEM data into GRASS

John Miller ccjwm at
Tue Feb 9 22:50:51 EST 1993

>John Miller writes:
>>     {deleted stuff describing a DEM file format}
>>     What is the best way to import this data into a GRASS
>>     mapset?   Is my only option to convert the data to a
>>     format suitable for
Katarina writes:
>You can import the data as sites, using, and then convert it
>to raster, using one of the options in That's how I did it when
>I imported DEM data for an area in British Columbia.

Thank you for spending the time to reply to my request.  I tried
your suggestion.  worked fine as far as I can tell (once I worked out
that I had to make my Latitude values negative for the Southern
Hemisphere).  A line in the file looks like:


However, (isn't there always an however :-) I can't get
to work in the way I require.  I choose option 6 "Convert site
list to raster file (0/1)" and choose one cell per site.  The
resulting raster file seems to only have  zero values for the
've tried editing the site_lists file to include a  #
character before the "description" field as suggested in the
manual, so that the line in the file shown above looks like:


This didn't seem to work either.

I checked the current region was correct with g.region.
Any clues?   Is there a problem concerning expressing the LAT/
LONG values in degrees and thousandths of degrees ?

| John Miller           | Internet Mail - ccjwm at            |
| Computer Centre       | PSI Mail - PSI%050527372000051::J_MILLER    |
| James Cook University of North Queensland | Phone: +61 77 815447    |
| Townsville, 4811,  AUSTRALIA              | Fax:   +61 77 796371    |

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