
Joyce Anne Nagle nagle at hanover-crrel.army.mil
Wed Feb 10 12:17:08 EST 1993

  I am trying to use the m.dem.extract command. 

m.dem.extract input=danville output=Danville
Current Window Settings-----------------------------
rows:       982
cols:       728
north:      4945940.994908
south:      4916501.005092
east:       739495.991071
west:       717673.008929
ns_res:     30.010183
ew_res:     30.017857

Reading Elevation Tape...     
File # 1
min elevation: 344.000000  max elevation: 782.000000
ns_res: 30.000000  ew_res: 30.000000
# of columns in file = 347
file north UTM = 4931213.522705
file south UTM = 4916986.581606
file east UTM = 729052.711576
file west UTM = 718626.777462
 end of records
get_int: can't get more buffer
 end of records
get_int: can't get more buffer


And I can never get the DEM extracted.  Any ideas?  

Thanks - 

Joyce A. Nagle
U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)
Remote Sensing and GIS Center        email:  nagle at hanover-crrel.army.mil
72 Lyme Road                         phone:  (603) 646-4161 / 4100
Hanover, NH  03755-1290              fax:    (603) 646-4278

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