grass directories

Kenneth R. Brownfield brownfld at
Tue Jan 5 14:18:56 EST 1993

Christine Weiss writes:
|Is there anyway I can get a complete directory listing of everything at the ftp site without ftping?
|Thank you very much.

     Currently, the only way to receive a directory is to ftp to the site,
get the directory, and quit.  I'll work on updating the ftp directory onto
the mailing list archives (files you can get using the list manager command
"GET",) but until then, I can mail the list to you if you'd like.  Send mail
to one of the addresses below and I'll send you the directory.

|Christine Weiss
                                                brownfld at
Kenneth R. Brownfield                    grass-lists-owner at
Office of GRASS Integration,              grass-ftp-admin at
United States Army Corps of Engineers           (217) 352-6511 ext. 526
Construction Engineering Research Laboratories    (217) 373-7222 <fax>
                                                  (800) USA-CERL <OGI>

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