Uncompressing GRASS data

Chris C Rewerts rewerts at ecn.purdue.edu
Tue Jan 19 15:33:18 EST 1993

Best bet is to have the person who is sending you the data to
use GRASS to uncompress the map data and then re-send it to you.

The GRASS command to use is:

r.compress -u map=name

(the -u flag tells it to uncompress; substitute name of map for "name")

Chris Rewerts

>From grass-lists-owner at max.cecer.army.mil Tue Jan 19 15:27:18 1993
>From: rparry at hydrolab.arsusda.gov (Rob Parry)
>Subject: Uncompressing GRASS data
>I don't use GRASS, but I received some data from someone using GRASS v4.0. I 
>want to use the data in the cell directories, but the data is compressed, as 
>reported in the cell header file:
>proj:       99
>zone:       14
>north:      3935400.000000
>south:      3856800.000000
>west:       530800.000000
>east:       588400.000000
>n-s resol:  200.000000
>e-w resol:  200.000000
>format:     0
>compressed: 1
>If the data was not compressed, I could easily read it into another image 
>processing system.  The person who sent me the data did not know how to 
>uncompress the data.  Is there a way I can uncompress the data outside of 
>GRASS, or can it be done thru GRASS?  
>Any help is appreciated,
>      ----------------------------------------------------------
>        Rob Parry                  rparry at hydrolab.arsusda.gov
>        USDA-ARS-Hydrology Lab     Phone: (301) 504-8625
>        Beltsville, MD             FAX:   (301) 504-8931
>      ----------------------------------------------------------

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