v.in.arc help!

KARS Staff kars at bugs.kars.ukans.edu
Thu Jul 8 17:19:56 EDT 1993

	I'm trying to import some ARC/INFO coverages to GRASS4.1 using the
v.in.arc routine. Everything goes well until I run v.support and get this

	PNT_TO_AREA failed: (709787, 4424528) (category 12)

This happens on one coverage but not the other, even though the ungenerated 
files used as input to v.in.arc appear okay.  The result is a loss of that
particular poly in the newly created GRASS vector file.
	Is there another (better) way to convert ARC data? I will ultimately
convert all to raster.

Michael Killion  (killion at ukanvm.bitnet  or  mike at geogsun.geo.ukans.edu)

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