xgrass (users sharing data)

Melissa Records records at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Fri Jul 9 13:40:13 EDT 1993

What you need to do is to update what mapsets are in your search path.

Using xgrass, click on Map Management, then on Access, then on Set 
Mapset Search Path. 

Once the Path screen comes up, add or delete mapsets from your search
path choosing from the list of available mapsets 

When you have another user's mapset in your search path, you can then
use GRASS commands to display, copy, and use the data layers from that
user's mapset.  You will not be able to make changes in the files 
from other mapsets because you don't own these mapsets.

Melissa Records

In an E-mail message, Bill Dailey wrote:
> Xgrass question?
> How can  "user follett"  display  "user maxwell"  evap data? 
> It seems to me that in xgrass if a user does not OWN a Mapset, they
> have no access to other users data.
> We set up this directory structure using GrassWorks, and CAN access each
> others data.  Is there a way to modify xgrass to grant read access to other
> users data?  any ideas? 
> thankyou...
> William J. Dailey, GPSR Systems Analyst
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> USDA-ARS-NPA                                                                  
> Great Plains Systems Res.      TEL: 303-490-8324                              
> P.O. Box E                     FAX: 303-490-8310                              
> 303 South Howes  Rm. 227       FTS2000:  A03RLGPSR                          
> Fort Collins, CO  80522        INTERNET: dailey at gpsrv1.gpsr.colostate.edu 
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