LTPlus import ?

Bill Dailey 490-8324 (303) dailey at
Tue Jul 20 15:46:48 EDT 1993

Just a followup to my LTPlus import question,
Thankyou Ronalds Wiemer, your answer was most helpful.

I would like to state the process we are taking to import scan images
into LTPlus.

1. scan image into a PCX file format (we can't scan directly to sunrast).
   note: that on our scanner you have to make sure that the # of column pixels
         is even.  We are imp
rting into grass using,  seems to have a problem with odd # of columns.
         We are running grass 4.1.
2. convert PCX file to SUNRAST using PBMplus utilies.
     anytopnm filename.PCX | pnmtorast -standard > filename.RAS
3. import into grass
4. export as a ascii file (make sure you reset your g.region)
     r.out.ascii map=yourmap -h | tr -d " " > filename
5. import into LTPlus in rstr format, bitmask = 1, no of lines per scanline = 1

if any of you LTPLUSers have a method with less steps, let me know.

again thankyou Ronalds Wiemer.

>>I'm trying to import a image from our HP ScanJet IIc in to LTPlus.
>>I can output in a lot of formats, but it looks like RLE (Run Length Encoded)
>>is the only compatable format.  LTPlus reads this file just fine, but
>>the resulting image is garbage.  Why is this?  What am I doing wrong?
>>What formats are you LTPlus(ers) using to import Scan images?
>About two weeks ago I had the same problem. I found out that you can
>use simple ascii, the following way:
>Import your scanfile in grass, using ppm e.g. export the grass
>rasterfile with:
>r.out.ascii map=yourmap -h | tr -d " " > filename
>import into LTPlus in rstr format, bitmask = 1, no of lines per scanline = 1
>It is a rather complex way to do this but it works. Beware that you have to
>scan in linemode, so there will only be zeros and ones in your scanfile.
>Ronalds Wiemer
>ARCHIS, Amersfoort, The Netherlands

William J. Dailey, GPSR Systems Analyst
Great Plains Systems Res.      TEL: 303-490-8324                              
P.O. Box E                     FAX: 303-490-8310                              
303 South Howes  Rm. 227       FTS2000:  A03RLGPSR                          
Fort Collins, CO  80522        INTERNET: dailey at 

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