r.le program output in 4.0 and 4.1

BAKERWL BAKERWL at corral.uwyo.edu
Wed Jul 21 18:19:27 EDT 1993

Mike Killion enquires on 21 July:
>Has anyone successfully produced (non-map) output from the r.le
>suite of programs in version 4.1? How about GRASS4.0?

If you are having problems with the r.le programs you can ask the list, but
also send a mail message to me directly.  I haven't always been able to answer
these promptly, but will try to eventually.

Also, it's a good idea to put your E-mail address after your name in a message
to the list, so that someone can respond directly to you.

	Bill Baker
	bakerwl at corral.uwyo.edu

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